Shoulder Impingement

Treatment in Salt Lake City, UT Advanced Muscle Integration Technique (A.M.I.T.)
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Understanding Shoulder Impingement and the AMIT Solution

Shoulder impingement is a frequent cause of shoulder pain, often resulting from tendons or bursa becoming pinched between the bones in the shoulder joint. This condition can lead to chronic discomfort and restricted movement if left untreated.

On This Page:

  • Causes of Shoulder Impingement
  • Symptoms of Shoulder Impingement
  • How AMIT Treats Shoulder Impingement

Causes of Shoulder Impingement

Common causes include:

  • Overhead Activities: Repeated overhead motions, such as swimming, tennis, or weightlifting, can lead to impingement.
  • Rotator Cuff Inflammation: Inflamed or injured rotator cuff tendons may rub against the bones of the shoulder.
  • Weak Shoulder Muscles: Imbalances in shoulder muscle strength can contribute to improper movement and irritation.

Symptoms of Shoulder Impingement

Signs and symptoms may include:

  • Pain with Overhead Movements: Pain is often triggered when lifting the arm or reaching behind the back.
  • Weakness in the Shoulder: The shoulder may feel weak or unable to support certain movements.
  • Restricted Motion: Limited ability to move the shoulder past 90 degrees, causing everyday tasks to be difficult.

AMIT Explanation for Shoulder Impingement

Shoulder impingement can become a severe and chronic condition, with pain lasting three months or more in some cases. While some patients opt for surgery as a last resort, results can vary.

What Causes This Condition?

Clinical research indicates that shoulder impingement is often caused by a combination of factors:

  • Muscle Inhibition: Injuries to the shoulder may lead to muscle inhibition, causing major imbalances and making the muscles "protect" themselves, resulting in dysfunction.
  • Cervical Spine Issues: Restricted motion at the base of the skull or cervical spine can place stress on the vagus and spinal accessory nerves, contributing to the problem.

How Does AMIT Help?

The Advanced Muscle Integration Technique (AMIT) effectively addresses these issues by reactivating inhibited muscles, correcting functional imbalances, and relieving nerve stress. This treatment helps restore full shoulder mobility and reduce pain without surgery.

Steps to Take If You Have Shoulder Pain

  1. Rest and Ice: Rest the shoulder and apply ice to reduce inflammation.
  2. Consult a Certified AMIT Physician: Contact our clinic today for an evaluation and non-invasive treatment.
  3. Rehabilitation: After AMIT treatment, our team will guide you through exercises to restore shoulder function and prevent future injuries.

If you're experiencing shoulder pain, contact Advanced Muscle Integration Clinics in the Salt lake City Area for effective treatment using Advanced Muscle Integration Technique. A certified AMIT physician can help you recover faster and avoid surgery.

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